Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Is the most delicious drink ever created by chemistry.  I am happily drinking it at the cafe, heartily eating a sandwich, and almost forgetting that I don't sleep enough.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Whole Milk

Whole milk, I should write an ode to you.
You are delicious, cool and sweet.
You fill my tummy, even when it's feeling funny.
I took you home from work, nestled in my cart,
A gallon, still half full,
A perfect gift
I did not pay for.
Whole milk, I would pay dearly for you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Knoxville Gelato

Tonight I ate gelato.  Half raspberry, half chocolate.  Definitely the best options offered - tangy raspberry and dark chocolate - but still, gelato. And still, for my terribly broken heart, I would have preferred ice cream, I think.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

You should not drink a vodka martini if:

1. You have not been eating heartily for the past several weeks.
2. You have just been to the hot hot hot tub.
3. You cannot remember the last time you drank a vodka martini.
4. You are recovering from heartbreak.

At all other times, go ahead, drink a vodka martini!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

P made this.

Gorgeous lemon chicken.  Brussels and mushrooms.  Delicious, filling, impressive.
Then we had gas and had to go for a walk.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Key to Eating Dinner

1. Lots of red wine.  Cheap is fine.  Old is fine.  Starting at 5 pm is fine.
2. A fun and funny friend - Becca, P, Simon, Ia and the like.
3. Get the food all cooked for you - tonight I bought a roasted chicken, mac and cheese and veggies all cooked by Whole Foods.  And packaged cookies for dessert.  Don't mess around or you might miss your eating window.
4. Keep drinking the wine.  Keep laughing.
5. A little bit of high stakes hilarity goes a long way towards digestion.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Doc says dairy.  Try eating dairy.  Milk.  Yogurt.  I am going to do this.  He says my tummy isn't good from stress.  So last night, I had milk for dinner. Today I had kefir for breakfast, kefir and pretzels for lunch.  What will dinner be?

Gosh, I want to feel better.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is it plane sickness or stomach bug???

Dear Universe,
Almost zero food in today.  Thought I was doing better!  Eating up a storm in Chicago with family breakfasts, lunches and dinners courtesy of Becca and David.  Pancakes, falafels, chile. Then, yesterday I was sure I had plane sickness, flying back from Chicago.  Gross. I made it through the 4.5 hrs by doing loving kindness meditation.  I was pretty proud of myself.  But today seems no better!  Can't eat, nauseated, running to the bathroom.  Green in the face.  Just awful.  Universe, if you have some Trader Joe's honey whole wheat pretzels, please bring them here.  Also, Universe, if you could cut me some slack, it would be appreciated.  Thank you,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Not a lot of food going in.  No great strides in that department.  But it does seem that I can eat many Trader Joe's honey whole wheat pretzels.  Sweet and salty and solid.  So I'm sticking with that.  Would love recommendations of other easy foods!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Yogi Tea

Drinking Yogi Tea.  The flavor is "Stress Relief Kava."  I don't know what it means, but it sounds about right.  I think an old roommate must have left it behind.  Anyway, my body is hopeful it will help, since I seem to be sick in just about every way a body can be sick.  Also, on the tea's cord there is a tab which reads: "The only tool you need is kindness."  Well, that is a good one.  I believe that one.  Surely, there is enough kindness in the world to hold me, protect me, and keep me safe.  And with the little energy I have, I am sending kindness and love out to the world, whether those I am sending it to can receive it or not.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


If I learned one thing from recent times, it's that milk is delicious.  Cold and sweet, somehow both a food and a drink.  When it is difficult to eat, milk fills you up.  But let the milk be cold and fresh, and let it not be skim.  Skim milk tastes like water.  Thank you to those who reintroduced me to milk.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hot hot hot

I am eating a cold bowl of cut up watermelon.  Nothing could be more perfect on this crazy hot day.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Starting Over

I should never have had the birthday dessert.  Now, my body is craving sweets! Whereas for weeks before, nothing!  Oh, lemon vanilla ice cream: you are good, but not THAT good.  Starting over stinks.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Muscles and Bubbles

Tonight I got the best birthday present ever. You guessed it: sodaclub! Not only that, but it is red. And stylish. And sexy. And I love it. We tasted our first lemon soda. Fizzy. Fun. Wonderful!

And afterwards, we had mussels. They were incredible. Johannes got drunk. And now, I am burping like crazy.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Going strong

Though typing is limited because of my neck going out, do not fear.  I am still going strong.  And totally dessert-less save the daily square of extra dark chocolate.  Huzzah!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


We are drinking a drink that's called malvesia bianca.  It's by Bacharrini.  (Most of this is approximately correct.)  We are trying really really hard to remember what this wine is for future reference.  Because it is delicious.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What She's Eating: Breakfast a la Joan

I think clotted cream has butter beat by a mile! The scones can be with or without raisins or currents. I'm not THAT picky. But cc and jam piled on each bite... oh my stars and garters. That is heaven.

 written and photographed by Joan 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bad Salad, bad!

Dear Hudson Bay Cafe,

I love your big clear windows looking on to College Avenue.  I love your mint jasmine iced tea.  I even love (on occasion) your bagel egg and cheese sandwich.

But I did NOT love your yucky salad today.  Spinach drenched in sweet sticky dressing does not a salad make.  Why would I put sweetener on my salad?  I am not eating DESSERT!  I am supposed to torture myself with sweetened salad???  And almost no feta cheese to spice it up?  Even the onions so gooey I couldn't eat them?

So there you have it.  I am still hungry.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

String Cheese

I am renewing my love affair with string cheese.  Here's why: it's strange, it's fun AND it's full of protein and fat, my two favorite things.  This morning I got to talk about things I love with interesting people.  It is always exciting and exhilarating to do that.  When I got home, I discovered that my roommate had left the gas on, so I am even more exhilarated, with all of the windows and doors open and cold air streaming in.  I need two string cheeses this time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

YOU eat this time.

Okay.  This is not my usual post.  I write about what I am eating and how I feel about it. Here's how you can write about what you are eating and how you feel.  To clarify any confusion:

  1. You do not have to be LITERALLY eating when you post.  
  2. You cannot technically "post."  But if you email me a post, I will post it.  (See all by ELK.)
  3. You CAN post by commenting.  Read my post of the moment and then click 'comment.'
  4. What you write is this:  what you are eating/ were eating/ are about to eat.  And how you feel about it!
  5. Thank you.
  6. By the way, I just had a chirashi bowl that consisted of various tunas (red, white, hamachi) and salmon over rice.  It was awesome.  I felt amazing and hungry.  I'm very energetic right now.  I might clean the house.  Oh! I also got that super experience when you accidentally eat a ton of wasabi and your sinuses explode into flame for just a sec.  Loved it.

Plate it

It's even better if you put your one square of dark chocolate on a fancy white saucer.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dark Chocolate

Must be allowed on the health kick.  Just one or two squares of 73% dark.  Pungent, spicy, bitter.  Today's my first official day of my new job, and all this working from home and self-motivation is going to make me healthier no matter what.  Add to that the wonderful properties of dark chocolate and I am off to a great start. I feel envigorated, full and happy.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This salad is better than restaurant salad

I just got home from another almost 2 hour walk.  Feels like I need 'em these days.  I did stop at the market when almost home for some local red grapes.  Yum.  But all along this was my plan: huge salad of lettuces, carrots, avocado, chevre, tuna and a hot hard-boiled egg from local chickens.  What was I doing before eating hard-boiled eggs hot?  They are truly delicious.  And to think, this kind of lunch could be in my future more often now. . .

Please note:  the Coca-Cola glass contains only water!

I did cry when my book was finished this morning.  But since then, things have turned around.  A long walk, some juicy red grapes, water, and a great salad later, I feel pretty happy.

Breakfast in Bed

So far, it's just a rice cake with sunbutter and banana.  Milo is getting comfortable on my lap.  I am thinking about finishing my wonderful book.  Oh, the last days of vacation, I hope I do you right.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Good-bye sweeties

Get ready for this.  Seriously.  The health kick starts now.  Of course, this is my version of a health kick, in which many eggs and large quantities of butter still rule.  BUT.  Of cookies, I will eat none.  Of cookie-related objects, very few.  Of candy, none.  Of water, let it increase.  And of vegetables, they shall be eaten in large quantities.  Any help/ reminders that I am doing this, when I suddenly forget and drive to the ice cream store, are welcome.  MMwah.  Good night.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mint Chocolate Chip

It's been a day of upheaval.  Trying to refocus my career, choose a new path, re-load my home, altogether make positive choices for the future and not feel too bruised by past mistakes.  I feel tired, fat, raw, and overwhelmed.  I will eat mint chocolate chip ice cream from Trader Joe's and read my book about the Amazon.  Calgon, take me away.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Note to self: If you make tilapia for dinner, you should make a lot. Still hungry. Quite.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cookies Require Milk

Today we baked Joan's famous chocolate chip cookies.  First problem, we only had salted butter, not unsalted, and J Russell Mikkelsen is very particular.  This was easily remedied with a short trip to the store and a quick stop for burritos and salad for the starving chefs.  Next problem, he likes them soft, I like them crispy.  Easily solved.  These cookies are not for me!  After one serving today, I will be on a strict cookie cleanse.  Now, we taste.

I think they are absolutely delicious.  The chocolate chips are still melty, and even though they are not crispy, their edges have a faint crunchiness that complements the inner softness well.  Just the perfect amount of sweet and salty.  J Russell says, "Chewy, delicious, soft and gooey.  Like brownie cookie." And of course, after every bite, I need milk.  Cool, sweet, refreshing milk, I desire you almost exclusively for this purpose.  What a lovely early evening surprise from my dear J Russell!!


I've been drinking Kefir since I was a little girl.  My mother used to drive into Brookline to the Russian store to get it.  Back then, it was strictly plain.  None of this strawberry, blueberry, pomegranate (?) stuff.  Best was Kefir layered over whole red grapes after a run.  This morning I am drinking my Kefir straight from the cup.

It's gloomy here in the Bay area, and I miss the hot days of Hull where the question of "What should I do today?" was resoundingly answered with, "Walk 60 steps to the beach."  The Kefir is going down slowly because a hot drink is probably more appropriate in the cold apartment.  But I love the touch of effervescence and the tang.  I can almost imagine the road I see out the window is the beach, and the clouds are just gearing up for a short thunderstorm, and, in a few hours, we'll be in the ocean once again.  Salty, sandy and giddily happy.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bagel, Lox, Cream Cheese

I really am trying to resist becoming gloriously fat on my vacation, but this morning I woke up starving.  I greedily devoured an omelette of eggs and gruyere, a buttered biscuit with honey, and cottage cheese with raspberries courtesy of my brother, the Rabbi.  Admittedly, after that I did go for a fairly long walk on the beach.  Already by noon, I was famished again.  Up to this point, I have avoided the bagels that are in endless supply here.  But what could be better as a noon-time snack than a half a sesame bagel, smeared with cream cheese, slathered in salmon and garnished with tomatoes and grapes?  Nothing.  Delicious, salty, creamy and satisfying.  Yum yum yum.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Self-made milkshake

Just put a scoop of Brigham's coffee ice cream in my bowl and covered it lightly with whole milk.  Magical milkshake just happens by itself.  You've got to try it. Miraculous, delicious, want more.  I love vacation!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In memory of my last supper

As I sit here contemplating eating my unsalted depressing almonds in my airport hell, I remember my last supper in Oakland provided to me by J Russell Mikkelsen himself:  wild salmon baked in cream, buttery potatoes, broccoli, and mint chip ice cream for dessert. Rich, creamy, fishy, filling, delicious. Oh, J Russell, if you could only see my now!

Fay-food versus Airport food

I am stuck in the airport for a series of annoying reasons.  So far I am sustaining myself on Fay-food: since 5 am Oakland time, I have eaten my cherries,  a half of a carrot, 2 larabars (one key lime, one coconut cream), a square of dark chocolate, a hardboiled egg, and some brown rice snaps.  I had to give up my delicious Bellweather sheep's milk yogurt at security, and was forced to buy an airport yogurt. This was strawberry.  Why is strawberry yogurt bad to me?  Maybe it's only good cold? Anyway, I forced myself to eat some of it but had to throw the rest away.  $5 on yogurt in the trash.  Next up: almonds.  I am a little concerned that perhaps I should hoard the almonds because when I finally get to Boston, it might be in the middle of the night, after a $100 dollar cab ride, and I will be starving. So here I am come to a dilemma:  buy airport food and hoard almonds or EAT almonds now?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bar and Bars

I am eating a key lime pie Larabar after my second of two lawyerly experiences in a week.

I was just deposed in an accident case (not my own.)  These meetings with lawyers are exhausting.  So, seeing as I was down by the lake, I thought I would stop by the enormous Whole Foods and pick up some coconut creme pie Larabars, my new favorite treat.  I think these are delicious, most probably because I had my first one out of Simon's deep pocket, warm and squishy, when I was wiped out from the sun and felt like I might fall down.  Anyway, I now love them.  But, no luck!  Some problem with the distributor of coconut creme!  I settled for the key lime.  It's okay.  A little tangy, and definitely tasty, but no coconut creme.  Plus, I'm still hungry.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Post-Lawyer Spinach

I cooked up some spinach with arugula and a little splash of soy sauce.  Add to that a sunny-side up egg from J Russell Mikkelsen's coworker's chickens and a piece of thick cinnamon toast generously buttered, and I feel much much better than I did an hour ago, sitting in a strange lawyer's office in Dublin, signing off on a law suit to settle my car accident case.  I feel fortified.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Lot Less

Wow.  It's just really true.  If you aren't running around after 24 six- and seven-year-olds all day, you just are not as hungry.  Today I had cereal, a small bowl of chicken soup, toast, and a few cherries.  All day.  It's 6:15.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Beach Burger Plus One

On Saturday, we drove with the top down all the way up to the lighthouse in Point Reyes.  It was glorious - sunny and breezy at the same time - as we drove through the rolling hills on Lucas Valley Road, the sudden redwoods, and finally, the ocean all around us.  Our destination was a little spot called Drake's Beach Cafe that I heard about on Weekend Sherpa.  Drake's beach was cool and required layers, and of course the family dog, Monty, was not allowed.  We were reminded of this by the adorable red-headed ranger, no more than 22 years old, who approached us as soon as we were out of the car.  No big deal.  We would just have our lunch and then find another spot where Monty could happily retrieve his greenish yellow ball.

Lunch was a difficult decision for me.  Jodacious ordered a burger.  Easy peasy.  Longing for the burger, but not sure I want to go down the red meat road, I wavered between grilled cheese and fish and chips.  It was the beach!  The fish and chips seemed imperative.  But it was cold!  A grilled cheese with soup seemed comforting.  Then I saw the cook breading the fish right in front of me.  So, fish and chips it was.  Jodacious said, "What's fish and chips?"  Oh, dear.  I better get him to Hull, stat.

We sat outside on a wooden deck facing the ocean and shared a root beer.  Monty, of course, attracted just the right amount of attention.  When lunch arrived, I was pretty hungry.   But here's the thing about fish and chips:  I don't like it that much.  It's too much fried, fried, fried.  And fried food must be consumed instantly, while it's still very hot.  And there's something about the frying that changes the flavor of the fish, and not necessarily for the better.  All conflicting feelings aside, I dug into the fish. It was too hot, and I burned my tongue.  The fries were not crispy enough, very thin, and even a little soggy.  A few fries into the meal, I abandoned them.  The fish was flaky, but the flavor was off, and the batter was too thick in places.  After two pieces of fish, I felt overwhelmed and done.  I must admit, Jodacious loved his burger, and I was jealous.

The great thing about the beach is that even if your meal stinks, you've still got the OCEAN.  So, we hopped back into the car and drove a little way to South Beach where the water was a clear sea-foam green even as the waves crashed, Monty ran after a ball, dug an amazing hole, and we sat in the sun, as happy as clams.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Last Day at Peralta

A bar of 73% dark chocolate and a dish of Marcona almonds soaked in sunflower oil.  The boxes are packed, the tears were shed.  Now, I'm lying motionless on the couch with Milo stretched out over my legs, watching some movie on the Roku, chocolate and nuts by my side.  It's time for resting, swimming, oceans, snuggling, playing, and GOOD FOOD.  Schoooooool's out. For. Summer.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


This one's courtesy of darling Jodacious:

My babybel cheese is too delicious. Every time I go to grab one, I find them fewer than how I left 'em. There's only one fridge here, so it's not like a can keep them at my desk. 


Oh well, hopefully they're making my co-workers happy!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


The lovely and winning Jodacious brought me eggs from his coworker's chickens.  So, this morning, I am quite joyfully and heartily eating a fried egg and toast, black tea with cream, and apple juice.  The eggs are much richer than I am used too, the yellow almost orange and the flavor very chick-like.   I am so glad I woke up before my alarm this morning and had time to have a breakfast that surpasses oatmeal in every way.  I should have taken a picture, but you see, I was too anxious to dig in, and the egg is already gone.  Many thanks go to the author of Eating Animals for leading me to discover the deliciousness of eggs from chickens that scratch and peck and walk around outside.  I'm no vegan, but it's nice to eat food I feel great about.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Apple Pie from dear Elizabeth

Aunt Liz's apple pie

Geneology brings us deliciousness - apple pie via Hawaii via NJ via Italy!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Because report card writing on a rainy day in June requires a mindless, chewy snack.  Zipping through them (both the report cards and the Twizzlers), and feeling pretty good about it.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Maple, maple, you're my favorite

Today's after work snack:  plain yogurt, sweetened with maple syrup, topped with fresh raspberries.  C'mon summer!  We're moving along, even if you are not yet with us.  I feel relieved it was only one rainy day recess today, not three.

The truth is, maple syrup is good on anything.  It really makes the whole day better.  I remember tapping the maple trees as a little one at my beloved Montessori school.  School never was that good ever again.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Usually, I like dried fruit.  Fruit leather.  That kind of thing.  Today, I am eating these fruity snacks called "fruityflakes" that Ellie recommended.  We were excited to be in Trader Joe's together purchasing.  Ellie has come so far from Texas, and she had googley eyes for all of the Trader Joe's delights.  Now, I am eating apple-strawberry.  I have to say, I am a little turned off by their appearance.  Very kibble-esque.  Also, the texture is odd.  They seem to have been dusted with some kind of flour.  Overall, I think I would choose a plump dried apricot over these little guys, but I am so happy to have seen Ellie, and that she is going to be on the West Coast at long last for a long while, and that these fruityflakes remind me of her, that I devoured them all and I may eat another batch.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lemon Vanilla

After being reassured by a reliable source that being this tired means I should just rest, I opted not to go hiking in the hills, but rather to go directly home with one short stop at Ici.  There was no line.  I practically walked right in!  I was very enticed by 'honey lavender' and 'saffron almond ice milk.'  I tasted them.  Delicious.  Subtle.  Unique. But what can I do?  I am a creature of habit.  So, I happily ordered one scoop of lemon vanilla in a handmade cone.  Oh, lemon vanilla.  I cannot express to you the way I feel.  No one was on the bench outside.  I sat down, and ate my whole cone with only one thought in my head:  this is the thing, the only thing for me, in this moment.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pre-pre dinner

2 pickles.  One strawberry mochi ice cream.  I am hungry!  Waiting for dinner to be ready and for it to be an appropriate time for eating dinner is difficult.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I'm eating wheat toast with butter and cinnamon sugar.  I cannot bear to eat the crusts.  Am I being a big baby or am I just expressing the deep truth we all feel inside?  I feel pleased with my breakfast, but a little headachey all around which makes eating a chore.  Thus the cinnamon toast.  I thought it would entice, despite its crusts.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Milo's Eating

Apparently, birds.  Yesterday, he brought me one in the afternoon, just before an earthquake.  This one was small, grey and intact.  Then, in the wee hours this morning, he brought another.  I always know when this type of activity is occurring, so I peeked out of my bedroom door.  Feathers everywhere, and the poor creature stranded in the kitchen.  I didn't want to get involved.  Not in the middle of the night.   This morning when I emerged from bed, the feathers were still everywhere, as was a head and one wing.  I have searched the rest of the house and cannot find the remaining parts of the bird.  Milo, of course, was asleep on the couch.  I will not begin to guess how he is feeling.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Yogurt, a Difference of Opinion

Right now, I am eating plain yogurt with granola as a post-work snack.  It's "Greek-style" yogurt.  What does that mean?  Thick?  Does it also mean flavorless?  My experience over and over with this popular yogurt is that it has nothing to offer.  Where is the tanginess?  The very yogurty-ness of yogurt?  Eating it plain would be next to impossible.   Give me Strauss!  Give me a good yogurt from sheep's milk!  So, while I feel pleased about my moderately healthy choice of post-work snack (very different from the cookies of yore), I feel disappointed in myself that once more I was lured into trying something I already know I don't like.  Quick, tell me what you're eating.  I am clearly running out of good ideas.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Souffle from Far Away

Thank you, ELK, for this delicious prose poem.  Love it.  Feel extremely happy and lucky.

Souffle when you're in my mouth...  I think of figs, only chocolatier.  I thought for a second you weren't going to be fluffy but you're just like a velvet cloud.  You are not creme brulee, but when my spoon pierces your voluptuous top, I'm in heaven.  Now you're gone - the spoon sits lonely, cold.

Composed collectively 5.18.2011 at the 1824 Lamont reunion dinner, Washington DC

Elhanan's Eating

Looks like my nephew's already eating, too! I'm thinking he feels pretty good about that salad.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ode to Pancakes

Sometimes two, sometimes three
We cover you with crème fraiche and raspberry jam
After I drink my tea and eat my sunny egg
I take my first bite
Thick, sweet
Like another tongue in my mouth

Relaxed, Nourished and Depressed

We had these ingredients: chicken leg, flounder, brussels sprouts, leeks, quinoa.  We ate them in an amazing brown bowl.  We talked about scammers, which was alarming.  We finished the meal off with a shared bowl of vanilla ice cream.  Nobody Nobody added a spoonful of apricot jam.  She thought it didn't taste like anything, Jodacious thought it was delicious, and I thought the jam interrupted the perfect pureness of the vanilla.  Now, I feel happy and grateful, Nobody Nobody feels confused, and Jodacious feels anxious and a little depressed for our dear ball play players.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Work day breakfasts are hard.  I wake up, not ready to be awake, and must eat, not ready to eat.  Generally I nurse a cup of English breakfast tea with milk and try to eat something that is sustainable, despite a lack of hunger.  Often that's oatmeal (boring) or Kashi cereal (bloating).  Today it's PB and J on a whole wheat pita.  I would say I am eating it, but so far, that's not true.  I feel fine about the PBJ, but more generally, I feel defiant.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Swiss Twinkie

I meant to save some for later, but, as you can see, it's gone.  Thank you, La Farine, for this noon-time snack filled with ground nuts and honey and surrounded by a flaky, glazed, stiff little croissant.  It's like Baklava, but French.  I may cause a stir when I say this, but I think it's better than the morning bun.

Standard Standard

With the rain, it's back to an old standard: oatmeal.  Today, I woke up after a long sleep, not very hungry.  My body aches, especially around my tummy, so it's hard to know what to eat.  I am eating the oatmeal with a touch of butter and brown sugar and a cup of gen-mai cha.  I feel uncertain and tender.  Only two bites so far.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Tonight, I feel disappointed.  I had a bean and cheese burrito from my favorite place, extra guacamole, extra hot sauce.  I even got a Coca-Cola, my favorite drink in the world.  Sadly, the contents of the burrito were cold, not melding together in warmth and spicy cheesiness.  The Coca-Cola was watered down.  I felt too full and a little sad, like I don't know what I'm doing with my life.  I didn't finish the burrito.  Needless to say, every last drop of soda was gone.

Double Rainbow

Long ago, in happier times, a Double Rainbow Ice Cream shop was just a few short blocks from my house.  Many an evening, we would walk up the street to get chocolate, mint chip and (a late discovery) strawberry.  I would get a hand-packed pint with the flavors I wanted.

The shop has been gone for a while, and my ice cream eating has decreased.  But this week, I found pints of Double Rainbow on sale at the grocery store!  Today, I am eating mint chip and chocolate.  It's unusual for me, but I find the mint chip extremely superior to the chocolate.  I am having seconds.  I feel happy and cozy and don't know what I'll do about dinner.


I just had my fortune told in a crystal ball at Peralta in Bloom.  The fortune teller told me I am coming upon a big decision that I should make for myself, even though many people will be pulling me in a certain direction.  I walked home wearing a puffy sticker on my hand with my lucky color - a very pale pink.  On the way, I wandered into an open house for an amazing five bedroom home I could almost afford.  Now, I am eating carrots.  I find them to taste exactly as they should in this moment -  like adrenaline, promise and the future.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Kids It Is

Here I am, eating.  After a delicious dinner of salmon, baby broccoli and potatoes, I am snacking on an enormous bag of Sour Patch Kids while I set up my brand new blog.  The sour patch kids are extremely satisfying - sour, sweet, scratchy on the tongue and, finally, soft and chewy.  I feel excited, voracious and grateful that someone else is doing the dishes.