Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Maple, maple, you're my favorite

Today's after work snack:  plain yogurt, sweetened with maple syrup, topped with fresh raspberries.  C'mon summer!  We're moving along, even if you are not yet with us.  I feel relieved it was only one rainy day recess today, not three.

The truth is, maple syrup is good on anything.  It really makes the whole day better.  I remember tapping the maple trees as a little one at my beloved Montessori school.  School never was that good ever again.


  1. Maple syrup - only the real thing, never ersatz. How did people ever mix up the two? Recently, I discovered silan, which is date syrup. Almost as thick as molasses, almost as thin as maple syrup. Sweet and delicious, but in a different way. Nice when drizzed over fruit or yogurt. Yougurt, fruit, silan - you could imagine you were eating an ice cream sundae, with just about the same satisfaction.

  2. My taste buds have finally matured to the point of enjoying the taste of real maple syrup! I've made a point to try it at least once a year for the past 20 years.

    Recently, at my first ever passover with my girlfriend's family at her brother "The Rabbi's" house, we celebrated our first morning unleavened living with homemade matzo pancakes. They looked disgusting and, not wanting to come off as a close-minded Christian ass-hat (as I typically do), my only hope of survival was to engulf them in syrup. Imagine my horror when it was not cane sugary sweet Aunt Jamima, but true maple syrup that was passed around the table.

    "This will not end well," was my only thought. Well, "grin and bear it" also came to mind. But, to my extraordinary surprise, I loved the maple syrup! And the matzo waffle was delicious to boot! It was a true passover miracle :D

  3. Sometimes mothers serve their voracious children ersatz syrup. The children do not notice that Mother gets The Real Thing. Mothers can be forgiven such budget-minded deception, I think.
