Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is it plane sickness or stomach bug???

Dear Universe,
Almost zero food in today.  Thought I was doing better!  Eating up a storm in Chicago with family breakfasts, lunches and dinners courtesy of Becca and David.  Pancakes, falafels, chile. Then, yesterday I was sure I had plane sickness, flying back from Chicago.  Gross. I made it through the 4.5 hrs by doing loving kindness meditation.  I was pretty proud of myself.  But today seems no better!  Can't eat, nauseated, running to the bathroom.  Green in the face.  Just awful.  Universe, if you have some Trader Joe's honey whole wheat pretzels, please bring them here.  Also, Universe, if you could cut me some slack, it would be appreciated.  Thank you,

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