Sunday, May 29, 2011


Usually, I like dried fruit.  Fruit leather.  That kind of thing.  Today, I am eating these fruity snacks called "fruityflakes" that Ellie recommended.  We were excited to be in Trader Joe's together purchasing.  Ellie has come so far from Texas, and she had googley eyes for all of the Trader Joe's delights.  Now, I am eating apple-strawberry.  I have to say, I am a little turned off by their appearance.  Very kibble-esque.  Also, the texture is odd.  They seem to have been dusted with some kind of flour.  Overall, I think I would choose a plump dried apricot over these little guys, but I am so happy to have seen Ellie, and that she is going to be on the West Coast at long last for a long while, and that these fruityflakes remind me of her, that I devoured them all and I may eat another batch.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lemon Vanilla

After being reassured by a reliable source that being this tired means I should just rest, I opted not to go hiking in the hills, but rather to go directly home with one short stop at Ici.  There was no line.  I practically walked right in!  I was very enticed by 'honey lavender' and 'saffron almond ice milk.'  I tasted them.  Delicious.  Subtle.  Unique. But what can I do?  I am a creature of habit.  So, I happily ordered one scoop of lemon vanilla in a handmade cone.  Oh, lemon vanilla.  I cannot express to you the way I feel.  No one was on the bench outside.  I sat down, and ate my whole cone with only one thought in my head:  this is the thing, the only thing for me, in this moment.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pre-pre dinner

2 pickles.  One strawberry mochi ice cream.  I am hungry!  Waiting for dinner to be ready and for it to be an appropriate time for eating dinner is difficult.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I'm eating wheat toast with butter and cinnamon sugar.  I cannot bear to eat the crusts.  Am I being a big baby or am I just expressing the deep truth we all feel inside?  I feel pleased with my breakfast, but a little headachey all around which makes eating a chore.  Thus the cinnamon toast.  I thought it would entice, despite its crusts.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Milo's Eating

Apparently, birds.  Yesterday, he brought me one in the afternoon, just before an earthquake.  This one was small, grey and intact.  Then, in the wee hours this morning, he brought another.  I always know when this type of activity is occurring, so I peeked out of my bedroom door.  Feathers everywhere, and the poor creature stranded in the kitchen.  I didn't want to get involved.  Not in the middle of the night.   This morning when I emerged from bed, the feathers were still everywhere, as was a head and one wing.  I have searched the rest of the house and cannot find the remaining parts of the bird.  Milo, of course, was asleep on the couch.  I will not begin to guess how he is feeling.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Yogurt, a Difference of Opinion

Right now, I am eating plain yogurt with granola as a post-work snack.  It's "Greek-style" yogurt.  What does that mean?  Thick?  Does it also mean flavorless?  My experience over and over with this popular yogurt is that it has nothing to offer.  Where is the tanginess?  The very yogurty-ness of yogurt?  Eating it plain would be next to impossible.   Give me Strauss!  Give me a good yogurt from sheep's milk!  So, while I feel pleased about my moderately healthy choice of post-work snack (very different from the cookies of yore), I feel disappointed in myself that once more I was lured into trying something I already know I don't like.  Quick, tell me what you're eating.  I am clearly running out of good ideas.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Souffle from Far Away

Thank you, ELK, for this delicious prose poem.  Love it.  Feel extremely happy and lucky.

Souffle when you're in my mouth...  I think of figs, only chocolatier.  I thought for a second you weren't going to be fluffy but you're just like a velvet cloud.  You are not creme brulee, but when my spoon pierces your voluptuous top, I'm in heaven.  Now you're gone - the spoon sits lonely, cold.

Composed collectively 5.18.2011 at the 1824 Lamont reunion dinner, Washington DC

Elhanan's Eating

Looks like my nephew's already eating, too! I'm thinking he feels pretty good about that salad.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ode to Pancakes

Sometimes two, sometimes three
We cover you with crème fraiche and raspberry jam
After I drink my tea and eat my sunny egg
I take my first bite
Thick, sweet
Like another tongue in my mouth

Relaxed, Nourished and Depressed

We had these ingredients: chicken leg, flounder, brussels sprouts, leeks, quinoa.  We ate them in an amazing brown bowl.  We talked about scammers, which was alarming.  We finished the meal off with a shared bowl of vanilla ice cream.  Nobody Nobody added a spoonful of apricot jam.  She thought it didn't taste like anything, Jodacious thought it was delicious, and I thought the jam interrupted the perfect pureness of the vanilla.  Now, I feel happy and grateful, Nobody Nobody feels confused, and Jodacious feels anxious and a little depressed for our dear ball play players.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Work day breakfasts are hard.  I wake up, not ready to be awake, and must eat, not ready to eat.  Generally I nurse a cup of English breakfast tea with milk and try to eat something that is sustainable, despite a lack of hunger.  Often that's oatmeal (boring) or Kashi cereal (bloating).  Today it's PB and J on a whole wheat pita.  I would say I am eating it, but so far, that's not true.  I feel fine about the PBJ, but more generally, I feel defiant.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Swiss Twinkie

I meant to save some for later, but, as you can see, it's gone.  Thank you, La Farine, for this noon-time snack filled with ground nuts and honey and surrounded by a flaky, glazed, stiff little croissant.  It's like Baklava, but French.  I may cause a stir when I say this, but I think it's better than the morning bun.

Standard Standard

With the rain, it's back to an old standard: oatmeal.  Today, I woke up after a long sleep, not very hungry.  My body aches, especially around my tummy, so it's hard to know what to eat.  I am eating the oatmeal with a touch of butter and brown sugar and a cup of gen-mai cha.  I feel uncertain and tender.  Only two bites so far.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Tonight, I feel disappointed.  I had a bean and cheese burrito from my favorite place, extra guacamole, extra hot sauce.  I even got a Coca-Cola, my favorite drink in the world.  Sadly, the contents of the burrito were cold, not melding together in warmth and spicy cheesiness.  The Coca-Cola was watered down.  I felt too full and a little sad, like I don't know what I'm doing with my life.  I didn't finish the burrito.  Needless to say, every last drop of soda was gone.

Double Rainbow

Long ago, in happier times, a Double Rainbow Ice Cream shop was just a few short blocks from my house.  Many an evening, we would walk up the street to get chocolate, mint chip and (a late discovery) strawberry.  I would get a hand-packed pint with the flavors I wanted.

The shop has been gone for a while, and my ice cream eating has decreased.  But this week, I found pints of Double Rainbow on sale at the grocery store!  Today, I am eating mint chip and chocolate.  It's unusual for me, but I find the mint chip extremely superior to the chocolate.  I am having seconds.  I feel happy and cozy and don't know what I'll do about dinner.


I just had my fortune told in a crystal ball at Peralta in Bloom.  The fortune teller told me I am coming upon a big decision that I should make for myself, even though many people will be pulling me in a certain direction.  I walked home wearing a puffy sticker on my hand with my lucky color - a very pale pink.  On the way, I wandered into an open house for an amazing five bedroom home I could almost afford.  Now, I am eating carrots.  I find them to taste exactly as they should in this moment -  like adrenaline, promise and the future.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Kids It Is

Here I am, eating.  After a delicious dinner of salmon, baby broccoli and potatoes, I am snacking on an enormous bag of Sour Patch Kids while I set up my brand new blog.  The sour patch kids are extremely satisfying - sour, sweet, scratchy on the tongue and, finally, soft and chewy.  I feel excited, voracious and grateful that someone else is doing the dishes.